15 Feb I believe the book was more than things compiled by Mary C
S636: Sister is reincarnated missing sister Author name may start with something after "Keene"; prior to 1993, likelier from 80's or 70's or before. It starts with a teen or young adult female driving her mother to a morgue in a small car (maybe a toyota) in the rain. They were going to look at a body that might have been the sister to the young adult woman. The sister, who ed Molly or Emily, vanished when she was only a little child and had been out playing with her kitten, and she vanished before the young adult sister was even born. The mother felt guilty and I think it broke up her marriage, too, so she was always tracking down stories about amnesiac and dead women who matched her missing daughter's description. The young adult woman, on that miserable rainy day, decided to put her foot down and stop looking.